The FootLab Orthotic – our process for custom made orthotics for St Paul / Minneapolis, MN area clients
There are many types of molding processes used to make custom orthotics
The first step in making an orthotic is to take an impression of the foot. There are three common techniques for doing this;
- Pressing the foot into a foam box which leave an impression of the foot
- Making a “slipper” cast of the foot
- Taking a digital image of the foot
In the first two cases, the impressions are sent to a lab where plaster is poured into the foam box or plaster cast to make a plaster mold of the foot. In the case of a digital image, the image is emailed to a lab where a mold of the foot is machined from molding material. A technician fabricates an orthotic from the mold of the foot and the finished orthotic is shipped back to the person who took the original mold.
In these three processes, there are several people/companies involved in making the orthotic. That drives up cost and leads to a significant time delay. Also, the technician that makes the orthotic, never sees the clients foot and usually doesn’t see the client’s shoes. This can lead to poor fitting, underperforming orthotics.
FootLab custom orthotics are different
The most significant difference between a FootLab orthotic and a regular orthotic is that the FootLab staff are all Certified Pedothists or, CPeds. A CPed has received extensive training on the practice of building orthotics. CPeds are nationally certified by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics. And they attend an annual convention to earn the required continuing education credits to maintain their accreditation. CPeds are highly trained practioners of building foot orthotics. We’re also licensed by the State of Minnesota.
Our process starts by interviewing you to learn firsthand what your problems are
We’ll examine your stance and watch you walk. When we take a mold of your foot, we position it in a neutral stance and take a Direct Mold impression of the foot while you’re standing on a heated orthotic blank resting on molding pillows. This gives us the truest shape and impression of your weighted foot. Our fabricating lab is on-site and the orthotics are fabricated by the same C.Ped that interviewed you about the problems you’re having. And lastly, we have you bring your shoes so we can get the orthotic to fit the shoe perfectly. The last step in the process is to have you stand and walk on your orthotics. This allows us to make the minute adjustments that are sometimes necessary to get a perfect fit.
The benefits are many. We save time! The entire process takes about an hour and you’ll leave with your orthotics on the first visit. And best of all, our process saves money by cutting out the time and cost of all the people involved in the traditional process.
Who benefits the most from our onsite custom orthotics fabrication process?
For disorders related to pronation, plantar fasciitis treatment, sore feet, arch pain, knee pain, lower back pain, metatarsalgia, sport and work related foot issues, the FootLab direct molding process offers the best custom molded orthotic solution possible.
Schedule your FREE foot evaluation
You’ll learn and see how your feet, knees, hips and back will benefit from custom molded shoe inserts. Use our online scheduler, or call 651-429-3333 to ask questions or schedule your appointment.