The impact of trades work on foot health
Trades workers are at a higher risk for foot pain and discomfort due to the nature of their job. Standing for long periods of time, walking on hard surfaces, carrying heavy loads and wearing heavy work boots can all contribute to foot problems. Over time, these issues can lead to more serious conditions such as plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, and even stress fractures.

Why do on-their-feet-workers get sore feet?
The human foot has 26 bones and 33 joints, all of which grow in a unique and different shape from every other foot on the planet. Shoes and boots on the other hand are designed around statistical average foot shapes. Soft foam inserts are placed inside footwear for comfort. These inserts are defined in the industry as “accommodative inserts”. That means they’re designed to not be offensive to the multitude of various shaped feet that find their way into the shoe or boot.
Cushy does not equal support
According to Brad Nelson, Certified Pedorthist and owner of The FootLab in St. Paul, the inserts that come in new footwear are comfortable, but most do not properly support a misaligned foot which is evident in 80% of the population. Nelson recommends that to improve support when buying new footwear, the stock insert should be removed and replaced by inserts like Superfeet.
When to switch to custom orthotics?
When there is pain. Discomfort in the feet, shins, knees, or hips means the foot needs corrective support found in custom orthotics. Superfeet type inserts won’t work. Custom orthotics are always molded directly from the foot which is the only way to properly support the foot. Secondly, they are also prescriptive in that they will correct the posture of a misaligned foot to improve alignment of the foot, shin, knee and hips.
Custom orthotics are always molded directly from the foot which is the only way to properly support the foot
When choosing orthotics for your work boots, it’s important to work with a certified professional to ensure you get the right fit and support for your individual needs. All FootLab techs are licensed by the State Of Minnesota and are Certified Pedorthists.

The long-term benefits of wearing orthotics
Wearing orthotics can provide long-term benefits for trades workers, such as reducing foot pain and discomfort, improving overall foot health, and preventing future foot problems. By providing proper support and cushioning, orthotics can also help to reduce the risk of injuries and improve balance and stability while on the job. Additionally, wearing orthotics can improve overall posture and alignment, which can have positive effects on other areas of the body such as the knees, hips, and back.

Schedule your FREE foot evaluation
You’ll learn and see how your feet, knees, hips and back will benefit from custom molded inserts for your work boots. Use our online scheduler, or call 651-429-3333 to ask questions or schedule your appointment.