Best Insoles For Arch Support
What is arch support?
The complexity of the 26 bones and 33 joints in the human foot means that every person’s foot is as unique to them as their fingerprints. A custom arch support (orthotic) replaces the generic shaped removable inserts that come with new shoes that are designed for an “average” foot shape. Our custom arch supports are created from a mold of your foot, so they are incredibly comfortable and supportive. Other arch support solutions try to match a pre-made orthotic to you, it’s not a custom solution.
Who needs custom arch support?
Almost everyone can benefit from custom arch supports. Over 80% of the population suffer from pronation, which is when the foot tips towards the inside of the foot while walking, running or standing. Pronation can lead to painful conditions such as plantar fasciitis, knee and hip pain and more.
The benefits of custom molded arch supports
- Your feet and lower legs are properly aligned and supported
- Reduce stress on painful joints in your legs, hips and back
- Get the most out of your investment in footwear
- Improved athletic performance, speed injury healing
Custom made arch supports from The FootLab can reduce the stress on your knees, back and feet
You don’t need to be a runner or athlete to experience the benefits of an all-day-wear orthotic from The Foot Lab. Proper arch support is important for on-your-feet-workers and anyone who suffers from improper posture alignment. The FootLab specializes in making custom arch supports to fit your feet, so you will feel better, be stronger and live better.
Schedule a Free Foot Evaluation
You’ll step on our state of the art Podoscope to get an exact visual representation of your foot stance. We’ll show you the image and thoroughly explain how your feet and stance effect the alignment of your ankles, knees, hips and back. We’ll explain completely how custom orthotics (arch supports) will change your foot and body posture. We’ll listen to your questions and answer them thoroughly. Click the link below to schedule your appointment. Take care of your feet!