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Orthotics Can Relieve Pain And Speed Recovery Of Tibial Tendonitis

Tibial tendonitis can be a frustrating roadblock for athletes and active individuals alike, frequently disrupting training routines and daily activities. This painful condition stems from inflammation and irritation of the tibial tendon, usually due to overuse or improper mechanics. The good news? You don’t have to let pain dictate your life! A combination of targeted stretches, strengthening and proper footwear with custom orthotics is needed to battle tibial tendonitis head-on. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to a rejuvenated, pain-free life!

Tibial Tendonitis Diagram

Understanding Tibial Tendonitis: Causes And Symptoms

Tibial tendonitis, also known as posterior tibial tendonitis, arises from irritation and inflammation of the posterior tibial tendon. This crucial tendon extends from the calf muscle, running down the inside of the ankle and foot, and is essential for maintaining the arch of the foot and supporting overall foot stability. When the posterior tibial tendon is overused, weakened, or injured, it can lead to painful inflammation and significant discomfort. Common causes include repetitive high-impact activities, overtraining, improper footwear, and biomechanical irregularities such as flat feet or an abnormal gait.

A variety of symptoms can indicate tibial tendonitis, and recognizing these early signs is crucial for effective management and recovery. Typical symptoms include pain and swelling along the inside of the ankle or foot, particularly after physical activity. This pain might radiate to the arch of the foot and worsen with prolonged standing, walking, or running. In more severe cases, individuals may experience weakness in the foot, an impaired ability to push off while walking, and visible flattening of the foot’s arch. These symptoms can greatly impact daily activities and performance in sports, making early intervention essential.

Orthotics and Footwear For Tibial Tendonitis Treatment

Custom orthotics and proper footwear play a pivotal role in the management and recovery of tibial tendonitis. The right support for the feet can alleviate stress on the posterior tibial tendon, promote proper alignment, and enhance overall foot mechanics. Investing in appropriate footwear and orthotic devices can make a significant difference in both recovery and long-term foot health.

Orthotics, or custom-made shoe inserts, are designed to provide additional support and correct biomechanical imbalances that contribute to tibial tendonitis. These inserts can help distribute weight more evenly across the foot, reduce excessive pronation, and provide cushioning to absorb impact. FootLab Certified Pedorthists can assess an individual’s specific needs and create custom orthotics tailored to their foot structure and gait mechanics.

Selecting the right footwear is equally important for managing tibial tendonitis. Shoes with good arch support, cushioning, and stability features can help reduce the strain on the posterior tibial tendon. When choosing footwear, it is essential to consider factors such as the type of activity, foot shape, and any existing foot conditions. Running shoes with motion control features, for example, can help control excessive pronation and provide the necessary support for individuals with flat feet. Bring your shoes with you for your appointment, your certified pedorthist will consult with you.

Schedule your FREE foot evaluation

You’ll learn and see how your feet, knees, hips and back will benefit from custom molded orthotics. You’ll learn how orthotics can play an important role in the treatment of tibial tendonitis. Use our online scheduler, or call 651-429-3333 to ask questions or schedule your appointment.

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